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 Childhood memories restaurants.... is it still surviving or closed for good now..????

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Childhood memories restaurants.... is it still surviving or closed for good now..???? Empty
PostSubject: Childhood memories restaurants.... is it still surviving or closed for good now..????   Childhood memories restaurants.... is it still surviving or closed for good now..???? EmptyFri Nov 27, 2009 12:19 am

Ogut tambahkan thread ini untuk mengenang masa lalu... baik dari yang sesepuh maupun dari yang muda mudi..... supaya kita bisa lihat perkembangan culinary di bandung ini.....

ogut mulai dulu:

1. Venezia restaurant
jl sukajadi... sekarang tempatnya dah jadi Vienna....

ogut dulu suka makan Steak sapi specialnya yang ada sunny side up.... and oxtongue steaknya.... Steaknya ditaro diatas hot pan yang bentuk sapi.... and to me as a child it was amazing...... Childhood memories restaurants.... is it still surviving or closed for good now..???? 301951 Childhood memories restaurants.... is it still surviving or closed for good now..???? 301951 ampir tiap minggu ogut makan....

kata sodara di surabaya masih ada and still the same taste... i think i wanna go there sometimes for childhood memory sake...

taste: 7.5/10 (waktu masi kecil)
ambience: 7/10 ( kaya rumah hantu soalnya dia open air di belakangnya... and ada live musicnya... lagu2x latino gitu deh)
overall: 7/10....

2. PT rasa / Rasa bakery....
jl. tamblong.... abis patung persib yah..???

menu andalan... soto rasa... nasi rames... nasi goreng rasa... nasi goreng biasa....
tapi yang paling ogut suka makan ice cream dua rasa yang warna ijo ama pink.... lucu dehhh.....

this restaurant still exist until now... but a great changes happen in it also... from portion... to price... ato emang gw aja kalee yah yang rakuss..... Childhood memories restaurants.... is it still surviving or closed for good now..???? 607506 Childhood memories restaurants.... is it still surviving or closed for good now..???? 607506

taste: 7/10
ambience: 6.5/10 (masa masi pake fan seh... panas pengap... dah gitu smoking areanya bebas di mana aja... beuhhh ramee dahhh)
overall: 6.5/10

3. Braga permai
jl. braga.
restaurant yang ogut paling inged... special ice creamnya... heheheh.. waktuku masih kecill.. i am an ice cream fan.... so i tried so many before... sbelom eranya baskin roobins......

makanan laennya lom semped coba... cuman denger2x bisikan dari om polar.. steaknya bole dicoba....

summary: n/a lupa euy....

4. toko you
jalan pager gunung yah..?? CMIIW...

ogut cuman inged pernah makan yamien doang di sini.... usually after my tuition lesson at "Kochie" place..... Childhood memories restaurants.... is it still surviving or closed for good now..???? 80968 Childhood memories restaurants.... is it still surviving or closed for good now..???? 80968

summary: again n/a... dah lupa bangedd....

5.kolam renang abadi cafe
jalan setiabudhi... sbelah restoran talaga sari...

menu yang ogut pesen.... sosis kentang, nasi goreng ham "not halal"... lumpia semarang "not halal".... and again yamien manisnya....

biasa warm up sebelom renang lumpia dulu.... dah 10 lap... nasi goreng ham..... 10 lap again sosis kentang.... abis shower... yamien manis.... damnnn how can i get slim..... Childhood memories restaurants.... is it still surviving or closed for good now..???? 301951 Childhood memories restaurants.... is it still surviving or closed for good now..???? 301951

taste: 7.5/10
ambience: 7/10 (typical swimming pool)
overall: 7/10

6. Bubur malam Hong sin...
jl. banceuy.... due to recent fire accident to moved to cibadak..??? CMIIW....

bubur babs.. with char siew... tahu kecap.... telor kecap... and kuping babs.... mixed them all together and add some chilly....

whew... i am in heaven... usually waktu ogut kecil.... si papi suka laper and luckily dia masih inged weight waktu itu... jadi kita diajaknya makan bubur malam....

taste: 7/10
ambience: 6/10 (jadul and agak smell apek)
overall: 6.5/10

theres a few of my childhood memories... akan nubie updated... soalnya beberapa dah lupa.... Childhood memories restaurants.... is it still surviving or closed for good now..???? 80968 Childhood memories restaurants.... is it still surviving or closed for good now..???? 80968
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Childhood memories restaurants.... is it still surviving or closed for good now..???? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Childhood memories restaurants.... is it still surviving or closed for good now..????   Childhood memories restaurants.... is it still surviving or closed for good now..???? EmptyFri Nov 27, 2009 6:32 am

Just small correction Om antonov. Bubur Hong Sin moved to Jl. Kebonjati. Bubur Eleven Seven (honestly stupid name for selling bubur)....tapi biar gimana juga rasanya agak beda sama waktu di Hong Sin.

Ada beberapa resto di Bandung yg penuh dengan memory untuk saya pribadi:

Lomie Karuhun.......Muahal banget, tapi rasanya tak terlupakan. Sekarang lokasinya di Jl. Pasir Kaliki

Braga Permai......steak ala braga permainya bener2 enak banget.....rasa palanya (nutmeg) kenceng banget.

Rasa Bakery

Glosis - Ciwalk Mall - tapi sekarang rasanya kacau balau

Wah masih banyak lagi sih.....ntar kalo inget disambung lagi.
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Senior Diecast Aviator
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Childhood memories restaurants.... is it still surviving or closed for good now..???? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Childhood memories restaurants.... is it still surviving or closed for good now..????   Childhood memories restaurants.... is it still surviving or closed for good now..???? EmptyFri Nov 27, 2009 8:29 am

hm.... childhood ya.... coba diingat2..

1. restaurant hongkong - dulu sama keluarga besar sering banget makan disana
2. glosis resto - dulu sering makan pas di cimbeuleuit (duh gak bisa ngeja nya)
3. suis resto - waktu itu masih di setiabudi
4. pemancingan cipaku - dari dulu sering mancing ikan nila ke sini.. kenal sama yang punya.. hehehehe
5. Rasa Bakery - pernah ketemu nico siahaan disini waktu masih jaman kuis galileo.. hahahahahaa
6. Gardujati & cibadak mah pasti kali ya.... lagi tergila2 banget sama kuo tie belakangan ini
7. sidodadi toko roti
8. dji seng roti (atau sinar sari)
9. Queen and phoenix...
10. rumah makan padang Mina di kepatihan... tapi udah tutup

segitu paling.. hehehehehee yang udah tutup si resto padang doank itu... padahal enak walaupun tempatnya kecil....
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Childhood memories restaurants.... is it still surviving or closed for good now..???? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Childhood memories restaurants.... is it still surviving or closed for good now..????   Childhood memories restaurants.... is it still surviving or closed for good now..???? EmptyFri Nov 27, 2009 1:16 pm

Gua setuju banget ama abhi soal roti Sidodadi. Apalagi kalo belinya sekitar jam 10-11 pagi....pas keluar dari ovennya.......breadtalk sih LEWAAAAT!
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Fly Emirates
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Childhood memories restaurants.... is it still surviving or closed for good now..???? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Childhood memories restaurants.... is it still surviving or closed for good now..????   Childhood memories restaurants.... is it still surviving or closed for good now..???? EmptySat Nov 28, 2009 11:40 am

@ anton: kalo om dateng ke abadi mereka seneng tuh....asiiikkk....hari ini jualan abis...hehe...

@ abhi: nih cara nulisnya....ciumbuleuit...dulu eneg banget waktu kuliah sering nulis nama jalannya...haha..

abhimantra wrote:
Rasa Bakery - pernah ketemu nico siahaan

Kirain ketemu sama Nico Filemon...wakakaka...
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Childhood memories restaurants.... is it still surviving or closed for good now..???? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Childhood memories restaurants.... is it still surviving or closed for good now..????   Childhood memories restaurants.... is it still surviving or closed for good now..???? Empty

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Childhood memories restaurants.... is it still surviving or closed for good now..????
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